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Women March for Social Homes for Manchester!

Two women-led social justice networks, Community Savers and Women of Wythenshawe, joined forces for the Walk for Women 2024 on Saturday. Their calls for 30% social homes in all new developments in Manchester; including 30% social homes in the planned redevelopment of Wythenshawe civic centre were met with cheers and chants of solidarity as women marched together from St peters square to Manchester Cathedral. Leaders from a third network Miles Platting Community and Age Friendly Network (MP-CAN) are also calling for social homes to be built on the plot of land behind Jigsaw Homes offices on Oldham Road previously earmarked for community benefit which was never delivered under a PFI-led 'regeneration' gone wrong leading to a net loss of 502 social homes in the area (to demolitions and right to buy).


Women hold placards calling for 30% social homes in all new developments in Manchester

As well as calling for 30% social homes in all new developments in the city, Community Savers and Women of Wythenshawe released a series of film shorts in December highlighting women's experiences of the housing crisis including children living at height amidst damp and disrepairwomen fleeing domestic abuse, and appalling living standards in existing housing stock. The films call on Andy Burnham and GM council leaders to reinstate commitment to social housing as distinct from "affordable rents" and shared ownership in the new Place for Everyone spatial strategy for the city-region, and 30% homes for social rent in the Local Plan for Manchester which is due to be released in draft this year.

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